Last week I spent a morning with Johannes Amritzer, my church planting European friend. Last summer Johannes started SOS Church in Downtown Stockholm. He also works with church plants all over the world.
In the States, most church planters mention the unchurched when they talk about who they want to reach. But Johannes breaks it into three more specific groups.
- The Unreached: People who have never heard a presentation of the gospel (Hindus, Buddhists, some atheists; usually in other parts of the world).
- The Unsaved: People who are somewhat familiar with the content of the gospel, but have never experienced its power (most of the people Johannes encounters in downtown Stockholm).
- The Unchurched: People who have experienced the gospel, but for various reasons are not currently involved in a local church.
SOS Church is extremely focused on the unsaved, especially since there are very few unchurched people in Europe. The fact that there are so many unchurched people in our country is probably the reason that it's possible for a church in the U.S. to launch, and grow to thousands in just a few years without actually talking about the simple gospel that much.
In a city like Philadelphia, we'll meet a mix of unsaved and unchurched people. I'm trying to think about what a church would look like that successfully reaches both. Honestly, it might be a little more comfortable to focus solely on unchurched people. But if I'm going to move my family to the East Coast, and encourage other families to do the same, then I want to see atheists, and agnostics, and people far from God experiencing the power of God.
Additionally, I want my life and ministry to count for the unreached people of the world. I'm sure this means, finances, and occasional trips, but I've also started praying for people in our church to be called to move as missionaries to unreached people groups.
Let's make our lives count for the gospel!