I don't claim to have the corner on this topic, but I did listen to an inspiring talk from Byron Klaus, who leads AGTS, in which he shared 8 demands leaders need to be wrestling with today. Really meaty stuff that I continue to chew on.
- Knowing who we are and what factors shape us to be who we are (reflect, acknowledge your scars, track answers to prayer, foster a sense of destiny as you recognize the story God is writing with your life)
- Knowing the impact we have on others (influence is currency that should be spent only to serve and benefit people)
- Knowing the values we exhibit in ministry practice (be true to the few things you'd bleed for)
- Valuing integrity and knowing what truly drives us to serve (motives, motives, motives)
- A commitment to the greater good of the communities we serve (create strategic alliances with organizations that share common causes)
- An ability to use power constructively and ethically (claiming to speak God's Word is something to be very careful with)
- A deep commitment to growth toward Christ-likeness (seeing this commitment as the cost that must be paid for leadership success)
- The growing capability to know the difference between humanly devised ministry strategies and divine initiated redemptive mission (not tough to discern between satanic and divine, but between human and divine)