Here are some updates from the weekend!
- Left Thursday to travel to Springfield, Missouri.
- On Friday, I was honored at Central Bible College as the Young Alumnus of the Year.
- I really appreciated the award, although my real dream is to be the "Old Alumnus of the Year." I don't think that award actually exists, but if it did, it would mean that I'd finished well!
- It was fun to preach in chapel again. I shared a challenge from 2 Samuel 23--live courageously, sacrifice heroically, risk it all, and surrender the ending to the King!
- I was able to connect with several old and new friends while at CBC. Really enjoyed catching up and connecting!
- CBC rolled Friday night in the homecoming game. They really are a great basketball team.
- Saturday turned out to be a loooooooong day of travel. I did get a free ticket out of it--and the chance to get a lot of work done in the airport.
- Weight Watchers is very challenging to keep up with while traveling. I missed Leah's creative, low-point cooking!
- Today is weigh-in day. Looks like I lost a couple more pounds last week.
- I had some exciting conversations over the weekend about a potential location for our next church plant.
- Yesterday I kicked off the "God Is" series at COTK. Started with God Is Incomparable. A big thanks to Life Church and One Prayer for the idea.
- My hope during this series is to inspire our church to focus on God. AW Tozer said that what you think about God is the most important thing about you.
- Focusing on God is especially important during times of transition since He's our one constant reference point.
- Another woman committed her life to Christ in the service yesterday. Awesome!
- Leah and I dedicated Gabby in the morning service. Cool to have my dad lead the dedication.
- Gabby was very well behaved during the dedication, although she did get off a pretty good sneeze directly into the microphone.
- Last night we capped off the weekend with Current, our quarterly ministry training opportunity.
- The general session was really powerful. Some of the youth leaders shared reports from youth convention, and we had a time of prayer for JD and Rachel Bayer (our new youth ministry directors).
- JD is passionate for teenagers! He had all of us in tears.
- I won't know for sure until after tonight's game, but it looks like this may be the first weekend in which all four of my fantasy football teams win!
- The Lions lose again. I recorded the game so I could watch it after Current, and the DVR ended with six minutes to play:(
- Looking forward to a great week!