"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes." (John 3.8)
On Sunday I wrote about shifting winds in my life as I sense God leading me to plant another church. This will be my first church plant as a married man, which I'm very much looking forward to!
The most common question our church family and friends have asked us is a question that is really important to Leah and I right now.
The short answer is--we're not sure! We have some ideas, but we're still waiting for a word.
As best we can determine, we feel God has called us to serve a city. When I first heard God call me into ministry as a middle school student at a youth convention, I sensed God calling me to reach a city. That call has shaped my first church planting experience. Leah also shares a love for the city. We feel that God will probably put us in a strategic metropolitan region where we can serve a city-wide church planting movement. Our motivation for planting a church is to reach people who are far from God. That leaves us with plenty of options!
Of course, we also believe God is sovereign and if He chooses to surprise us and call us to Maui we will listen and obey.
Currently, we're consulting GPS. I believe in God's positioning system. More specifically, I believe God positions us in the right place at the right time. While Leah and I feel some uncertainty right now, we also have a sense of destiny.
We look forward to seeing where the wind will blow!