Yesterday our kid's leaders led "Big Church." We included our kids in the adult worship gathering as they simulated the experience of one of their regular services. It was a blast!
As everyone arrived the men received a green bracelet and the women got an orange one. I considered putting a green bracelet on Gabby but Leah wouldn't hear of it.
P82, our kid's band, led worship. We even had some messy games that loosened the adults up a bit.
Pastor JT did an awesome job with the teaching. A car horn would blow periodically throughout the service, at which time everyone had to stand up and repeat the service big idea: If your load is heavy and you feel stressed, give it to Jesus and He'll give you rest.
It was a fun, energetic way to celebrate the holiday weekend as a church. And it turned out to be a great way to emphasize the importance of children's ministry.
We don't see children's ministry as a way to baby-sit people's kids while they attend a service. For us it's a comprehensive approach to building young disciples of Jesus. And our leaders are doing an amazing job. I'm so proud of you guys!
And our kids inspired me! Let's face it. If we're not careful, "Big Church" can become a place for "big spiritual egos" coupled with "small doses of passion." Our kids reminded us that we're better off when we enjoy our time together as God's people, and approach him reverently without taking ourselves too seriously.
That's why every adult in "Big Church" can receive from the even BIGGER hearts of a child.