I had several conversations after my message yesterday that reminded me of the burdens people carry into our "family gatherings" each weekend. Maybe it was the topic that inspired more of them to surface (God as Father), but I was reminded of how necessary it is for me to decrease so that Jesus can increase. So many people need deep healing.
The local church is a hospital for broken people, and every Sunday a unique mixture of them file in. Seekers. Mourners. Doubters. Others. Some are expecting an encounter with God. Some don't have the faith to expect anymore. Some are afraid to expect because hope has been overloaded by disappointment. Not everyone wants the same thing. But everyone needs it--a transformational encounter with the God of all comfort.
Pastors, I don't you think you should feel pressured by this thought. After all, it's not in your power to heal anyone. But you should be carrying a burden.
This morning I resonated with something Wayne Cordeiro wrote in his book, Leading on Empty. Pastoring is like giving birth on Sunday, only to find out on Monday morning that you're pregnant again.
Pastor, I'm praying for you today. May you carry the burden well. Feel it deeply enough that your preaching is infused with compassion. But share it with God so that you can do it again next week--with joy.
Thanks for the prayers, Brad, and for the encouraging word. I praying for you too.
Posted by: Craig T. Owens | July 13, 2009 at 01:24 PM
Great word Brad! You never know who is sitting in the seats and what battles they have faced during the week. How awesome would it be if our churches gained a strong reputation in our communities for being places of healing. Keep up the great work Pastors!
Posted by: Kelly Harrison | July 13, 2009 at 02:31 PM