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June 22, 2009



Praying for you both!

(and I'm convinced that "due dates" are created simply to drive parents-to-be completely insane!)

She'll arrive soon & all this waiting will be a faint memory!

Hugs to both of you!

Craig T. Owens

I agree, Brad. A number of years ago I read this quote from Josh McDowell, “The greatest thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.”

It's true. I've noticed that my kids are excited when Betsy and I leave them at home to go on a date, and they smile when they see us hug or kiss. Our marriage is a picture to them of the intimate relationship Jesus wants to have with each one of them.

If you continue to love Leah, Gabby will be blessed and instructed by watching that.

Fay Martin

Hi Brad,

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. What fun you will have.

As I was reading your blog, love your kids by loving your wife, I thought that you should send it to John and Kate Plus 8 because they have it all backwards. What a great message to couples to put their marriage first.

Congratulations to Leaha for a job well done.

Fay Martin


Hi Brad, You don't me. I am a North Way member that just barely knew Leah. Every once in a while I will check her blog because I love her humor and the way she weaves a good lesson into them. How exciting that I stumbled upon her blog today...Gabby's birthday! CONGRATULATIONS to you both!! I followed the link to your blog to "see" more. (How nosey am I!?)

ANYWAY, of course I came upon this post. My heart has been heavy over the announcement that Jon & Kate + 8 are divorcing. Of course every one has an opinion about it all. But this post captured some of what has been going through my mind, when I didn't have the right words for it. Particularly when you said:
"'s possible for a marriage to be reduced to the single goal of providing a good life for the kids. The irony is that if we neglect building a great marriage, we're automatically limited in the amount of blessing we can pass on to our kids."

I've been wanting to blog about the subject but didn't have all the words, and now if I take the time to post, I might very well have to quote your wise words on this.

Enjoy fatherhood...I personally think parenting makes you fall more in love with your spouse. And I have a feeling that will be what you and Leah experience too!

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