As humans we are limited.
- We all have to stop to sleep.
- We all have to stop to eat.
- We all have to stop to go to the bathroom.
- All of us are limited to seven days in a week.
- None of us has more than 24 hours in a day.
- No one can be physically present in two places at the same time.
Yet if you're like me, you may try to find ways to fight against your limitations. If I just skip a few hours of sleep I can get a few more things done. Or, if I just hold it we can arrive at the hotel five minutes earlier!
I know this will sound stupid, because it was, but as a College student I refused to make any additional bathroom stops on road trips. My passengers could take care of their business every five hours when we needed gas. Even by myself I would drive for hours with my bladder about to explode simply to push my limits and make record time.
So here's my question. Do you see your limitations as an obstacle to overcome...
...or a gift to be embraced?
The only human to ever know life without limitations was Jesus. For thousands of years he never had to eat or sleep. He lived outside of time and space. Yet for 33 years he joyfully embraced the limitations of a human body. He even allowed his friend to die because he couldn't be in two places at the same time.
Our limitations were strategically built into the human condition by our Creator, who gave us a body with built-in, daily reminders that unlike him, we can't do everything.
What if we celebrated them instead of fighting them? We may get to the hotel ten minutes later.
But we'll probably enjoy the scenery more along the way.