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June 16, 2009


Chris Chowdhury

What's one thing I've learned about God since becoming a dad?

I've learned just how eager God is for us to repent and be reconciled. I hate punishing my kids - when they obey it is SO much fun!

Craig T. Owens

I remember two thoughts that both crashed in on me when I first became a Dad.

First, I began to understand the incredible love that my Heavenly Father must have for me if He would send His One and Only Son to die for me. The instant love I felt for my new son made the love of God for me seem almost overwhelming. I couldn't imagine giving up the son I loved so much right from the start, and yet God gave up His Son for me. Amazing!

Second, I began to think about how to pass this legacy of love on to my children. I realized that I couldn't do this on my own, but I could only do this if I was saturated in God's love. That's the day I made the commitment to study God's Word more deeply and pass on what God was doing in my life. So I began to write my thoughts and prayers from my time in God's Word in a journal every day. These journals will be the legacy I pass on to my children. For 14 years I have been writing in my journals as a gift to my children, just as God has been showing me His "journal" of love.

Dave Bates

I think being a Dad helped give better meaning to God's jealousy in Exodus 20:5. I had odd feelings about God being Jealous and have heard of others that can't fathom God having such a negative emotion. Our understanding generally comes from the thought of a jealous lover, who can be untrusting, manipulative, and/or violent at times. It wasn't until becoming a dad did I begin to think of jealousy in terms of fatherhood. Perhaps God's jealousy has some meaning in terms of a lover, as we are the bride. But perhaps God is more like a jealous father rather than a jealous lover.

I'm a jealous dad and no way, no how will I allow my children to be raised by another man, in another man's home, or call another man "father." One of the greatest joys each day is when I get home and my boys come running to the door yelling "Daddy!" I make sure I take the appropriate steps in my marriage to ensure as best I can that our family stays together. But if my kids were to walk off and call another man "father" it would be devastating to me. I think it grieves God to watch us toddle off chasing other gods and rejecting Him.

chris mccool

What's one thing I've learned about God since becoming a dad?

God gets so much joy in the most ordinary things. I find myself laughing and full of joy watching my daughter learn, discover, and just becoming herself. I imagine God watching me succeed and fail with so much joy as I learn to be a disciple.

Ernie Fox

I learned that I am only the earthly father of my children - and only for a time. Their true Father is God, and all the love and protection and direction I give is only effective if I submit to Him and allow Him to lead them (and me).


I've learned that DAD spelled backwards is DAD... now, give me a book!

Ha! Ok, ok...

I've also learned what a 'Father's love' really feels like. When you hold your baby the first time and see your own image - it's overwhelming. My relationship with God took a BIG leap the moment I became a daddy!

Can't wait for you!

Martin Hall

I have learned quite a few things since I have become a father. But the most important thing that I learned is that my kids actually need me & I absolutely love it. I get to care for them & love them. When my youngest daughter gets sick, it is me that she always cries for, even if I am not in the house. But the best example of my kids needs come from when they are young. They are short when they come out & need for the parents to do everything for them. This includes changing their diapers. Now seriously, I never expected my kids to change their own diapers (although that would have been nice, it is just not realistic). I always wanted them to come to me & let me know when they needed to be changed & I would. What's more is that when they are just babies, I knew when they needed to be changed & would go ahead & do it for them without them having to ask me, this is obviously before they could talk. But anyway, my point in this is that God is also watching us with just as much care, actually more, & is willing to change my diapers (i.e. forgive me of my sin) before I really even know that I need forgiveness. He is always watching & taking care of me, He is in truth, much more observant than I could ever hope to be.

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