It was a great weekend with Johannes Amritzer at the church! On Saturday night we gathered with three other churches at Freedom Christian. Then yesterday Johannes spoke to our church in the morning and spent some time teaching and praying for our leaders last night. The highlight for me was the one on one time I was able to spend with him during the weekend. Johannes is always on, which means he's not just ministering when a microphone in his hand. He poured into me at Starbucks, red lights, and restaraunts!
I've got pages of notes in my moleskine from the weekend. There's no way I could share all of it on the blog, so here's a little taste from his message to our church yesterday on following the Holy Spirit.
Four Principles:
1. Don't Grieve the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4.30)
The Holy Spirit's activity in our lives often begins with a check. If we ignore these corrective or protective checks then we can't expect to continue to hear his voice.
2. When the Spirit Speaks, Obey Fast
Hesitation makes it more difficult to hear. The converse is also true. When we obey, the volume of the Spirit's voice increases. As followers of Jesus we stand in the Holy Spirit subway station. When the train comes by, get on it. If you've missed a few because of distractions or disobedience, watch for the next one. Because of God's grace it will come.
3. Keep in Step with the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5.16)
Don't run ahead of him or you'll get tired. Don't fall behind or you'll get lost. Look for God's grace in your life, and invest your resources there. The Holy Spirit is a very good dancer. He'll make you look like a good dancer as well...if you let him lead. Be careful not to step on his toes!
4. Let the Holy Spirit Break your Routines...Often!
Take a different route to work. Eat at a new place. Shake up your weekly schedule a bit. And notice what the Holy Spirit is doing around you.