There were a handful of books that really inspired me toward sexual purity while I was single. Every Young Man's Battle by Fred Stoeker was one of them.
Just thought I'd put Stoeker's latest release on your radar since his writing has really helped me. Hero is also written to young men, and now that I'm finally done with school it's on my short list of books to dig into!
Also, here's a summary review of Hero.
Here is the perfect resource for any male striving to be the relational man God's calling him to be as well as anyone who wants to be an encouragement to the men in their lives. Fred Stoeker, co-author of the Every Man's Battle series, elaborates on the struggles men face in the world today, and what exactly they can do about it. Hero offers hard hitting truth about what makes an ultimate hero to women--men who stand by their convictions and make their world a better place.
Go ahead. Be a hero!