Have you ever caught yourself praying self-centered prayers? Have you ever evaluated your thoughts only to realize that a large percentage of them were all about you? Have you ever caught yourself stewing, focusing, worrying, or brooding over your own needs? What about constantly interjecting your own questions, needs, or problems into conversations with others?
Yesterday I had a fascinating conversation in which someone pointed out that there are really only two reasons we become self-centered.
First, narcissists are self-centered. That one's a no brainer. But I don't know many people who are truly narcissistic.
The more common reason we become consumed with ourselves is because we're in pain. Think about it. How often do you think about your feet? If you're narcissistic you may think of them all the time and look for every opportunity to wear sandals so you can show them off. But if you're not consumed with how beautiful your feet are, you probably won't think about them unless their hurting. If they are, you may not be able to get them out of your mind.
If you find yourself obsessing over your own needs it may be that there's some wound in your heart or mind that's desperately in need of healing. If so, be encouraged. God is a powerful healer.
Let him make you whole, so you can know the joy of obsessing over others.