And it's Easter!
This weekend at COTK we'll be wrapping up the Remember series by continuing to focus on the cross of Jesus. We'll also celebrate communion. It's so good for us to quiet our hearts and really think about the cross as we approach Jesus' Passion Week.
We are praying and eagerly expecting God to do something memorable Easter weekend. If you're in the Detroit region and looking for a place to worship, we'd love to have you as our guest. Click here for times and directions. If you're a part of COTK, make sure to invite a friend to come with you!
On Easter Sunday we'll be kicking off an 8 week series in which we'll study the Song of Solomon. We'll also have an Easter Egg Hunt right after the service on the front lawn of the school. Several people have asked me how I'm planning to tie the Song of Solomon into the resurrection. You'll have to come and see! You won't be disappointed:)