Today we celebrated the life of Paul Hamlin. His Alzheimer's has been steadily progressing until he passed away Saturday evening.
I've known Paul for half of my life since I was in school with his youngest daughter Christy. And he served on our launch team when we started Church of the King more than seven years ago. I was honored to be a part of his memorial service this morning.
Paul gave me what may be the most valuable gift a young man can receive from an older man. He believed in me.
He was the quintessential encourager. If you had never met me, seen me swing a golf club, heard me preach a sermon, or watched me shoot a basketball; and simply had was a conversation with Paul about me, he would have tried to convince you that I was Tiger Woods on the golf course, Andy Stanley in the pulpit, and Lebron James on the basketball court. He saw the best in people. And he lifted me many times.
One thing I'll always remember about Paul was his strong arms. I used to grab them everytime I saw him. The guy had some guns! So today at the funeral I referenced his bulging biceps and reminded his family and friends that God also has strong arms. And I would have loved to have been there Saturday evening when Paul finally stood face to face with someone who had bigger arms than him!
I'm going to miss you Paul. Thanks for the legacy of a life well lived.