One of my goals is to read the Bible all the way through this year. Here are some more thoughts from the journey.
- Interesting that of all of David's sons, God chooses the one from his affair with Bathsheeba to include in the lineage of Jesus. Great picture of redemption!
- Don't know if I've ever fully appreciated the risk that the angel asked Joseph to take in marrying Mary. Social suicide.
- I wish the wise men were still around. We could hire them to turn around the Lions.
- Herod joins the list of rulers who tried to wipe out God's deliverer through genocide. It never works.
- Love God's proclamation over Jesus at his baptism. Pure pleasure!
- Satan must have been so frustrated after being denied by Jesus for the third time in a row.
- Before Jesus begins his public ministry, he conquers his private desert. Personal preparation always precedes performance.
- At some point I want to take one solid year just to study the Sermon on the Mount.
- One theme shouted to me throughout the Sermon on the Mount: The way of Jesus is transformational because it is counter-cultural.
- This passage was right on time.
- If only unbelievers quoted all of Jesus' teaching as much as they quote this one.
- Whoever said following Jesus should be easy?
- One of my top ten "wish I could have been there" stories.
- Two words that define discipleship: Follow me.
- Do we realize the authority that we've been given?
- Jesus first commission, and the reason why our church is commissioning neighborhood pastors.
- This verse is the reason I used to get saved every week as a kid!
- Church growth is God's idea!
- Jesus presents each of us with life defining moments when we either get out of the boat and walk on water, or play it safe. I hope I'm always willing to take the risk!
- Jesus doesn't promise predictions. He gives us discernment.
- Let's give Peter credit where credit is due. Sometimes he said the right thing!
- Can't believe I've never preached this passage in our church. Gonna fix that soon.
- If you think about it this way, unforgiveness seems silly.
- I have to constantly fight the danger of letting the events of Jesus' Passion Week grow cold in my heart.
- I was struck again with how many emotional highs and lows filled Passion Week. From the triumphal entry to the emotional roller coaster ride.
- Appearances can be deceiving!
- I've always felt a little sorry for the fig tree:)
- Like Peter, I have so many good intentions. Jesus, help me keep my promises to you.
- Every believer's job description.