I had a little fun in my message yesterday as I preached through Matthew 23. In that chapter, Jesus refers to the scribes and Pharisees as hypocrites six times! The word originally referred to an actor who performs behind a mask.
My big idea: Outer appearances may mask inner brokenness, but Jesus wants to heal your heart.
To illustrate it, I wore a suit and tie. Because I rarely wear a suit and tie, I received many comments throughout the morning about my outfit. During my message I talked about how good I looked. Then, about midway through, I unbuttoned my jacket and the lower half of my tie was shredded. Next, about five minutes later, I took my jacket off to reveal my shirt which was also shredded. Later I asked the question, "What if we all took off our suit coats today?"
I HATE that we think the church is a place to pretend we're perfect. Wow, we really miss the point if that's the mistake we make. The church is a place to be healed.
It was so fun to see people "get it." And even more fun to rip my clothes on Saturday night!