- I think I often lose the wonder of the creation account. Maybe that's why Scripture takes so much space to continue to remind us that God is the Creator.
- Can't imagine living hundreds of years with animals without ever seeing a woman!
- So cool that God calls man "very good." They're words of pleasure. And they counteract my performance addiction.
- Temptation starts with a question. I need God to sanctify my curiosity.
- Interesting that the first murder takes place between brothers. We often hurt the ones we love the most.
- This verse is like Bible caffeine. It wakes me up!
- I can't think of a higher goal than this.
- The Ark must have been a bumpy ride. I wonder if any of them got seasick?
- I think I neglect the discipline of altar making. I want to build more reminders into my life of what God has done along the journey.
- Three big faith words: So Abram went!
- Abraham wasn't the brightest husband. There are some things your wife says that she doesn't really mean!
- I wonder if Lot licked his wife?
- Radical obedience.
- I know the Patriarchs are heroes of the faith, but so many of their stories are absolutely head scratching. You did what!?
- I think I'll marry my daughter like Abraham married Isaac. More control that way!
- I don't know if I'll ever understand why Esau would sell his blessing for one meal.
- Sin always comes back around. Jacob deceives his brother, and ends up being deceived by people the rest of his life.
- Seriously, how in the world does this happen!?!?
- There are just some things you don't tell your older brothers.
- Flee temptation!
- Be patient. God knows exactly where you are.
- Bitterness has to hit its breaking point.
- This is one of my favorite verses in the entire Bible.
- I hope I still have this kind of vision at the end of my life.
Hey Brad, Last month my phone crashed and had to get a new one. In the process, I lost all of my phone numbers including yours. COuld I get it again so I can give you a call soon.
Thanks, Jack
Posted by: Jack Thomas | January 28, 2009 at 10:48 AM