I'm excited about the opportunity for our church to join with dozens of churches across the country for Awakening. Beginning January 11 we will be committing 21 days to begin the new year with prayer and fasting. I will also be preaching a series of vision messages to paint a picture of what God wants to do through us in 2009.
We have seen God do some amazing things in Metro Detroit this year. And because of our recent Amplify campaign, we are now positioned to experience significant growth in our church. But more than anything, God is calling us to Himself. And there's no greater way to seek His face and prioritize His Presence then by prayer and fasting.
Our leadership team is going to be doing a Danie's Fast (only fruits and vegetables) during the 21 days of prayer. And I am hoping that many more people in our church will make the same commitment.
You can find some great, practical resources at the Awakening blog.
Let's go after God!