It's not my waist size anymore.
It's my age.
Today I am charging into a new decade of life, and I am pumped! Seriously, no whining or feeling sorry for myself today! I'm celebrating!
I'm living my dream. When I was in junior high, Jesus called me to serve him at a youth convention in Lansing. The title of the sermon: "The Few, the Proud, the Ministers." When I surrendered my future at the end of that message, Jesus gave me a dream to change a city. Today I'm still pursuing the same dream, giving my life to see Metro Detroit transformed.
I'm married to the girl of my dreams. I feel so grateful today that I met Leah twenty months ago. Today is my first birthday to share with her. And the thought of having her in my life for the entirety of my thirties makes my heart beat a little faster.
I don't have any regrets. I gave my twenties my very best. I made some mistakes. But I feel so grateful for what God did through my life in the past ten years. I took risks. I planted a church. We planted another church. I grew as a disciple, as a son, as a brother, as a leader, as a friend, and as a husband. And now I'm eager to invest the lessons from every success and failure into the next ten years of life.
I'm resolved. I'm resolved to grow in my love for God and the people around me. I'm resolved to honor my wedding vows and value Leah as the gift that she is. I'm resolved to invest more time into people; to serve, encourage, equip, empower, and release. I'm resolved to seek the transformation of Metro Detroit by building Church of the King and planting churches all over our region. And I'm resolved to run over the hill in ten years still pointed in the direction of these dreams.
Thank you for reading this blog and being a part of my journey. You honor me.
40, here I come!