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August 18, 2008


Cheryl Dunn

Chasing Rovers Tail


Well, I'm also part of the Batterson "Blog Tour" - so, I'm giving away a copy of the book too... so, I'm only contending for your 2nd or 3rd place prize!

How about:
Lessons from a talking donkey

Lori Reitz

What is the book about? ...
Here are some animal titles for whatever the book may be about. :)

Talking Turkey

Chasing Chicks (Every guy will read it. LOL!)

Bucking the Black Sheep

Get the Edge of the Eagle

Picking Pork Chops

The Snake's Seduction

The Dove's Descent
The Descent of the Dove

David Thomassen

I think there may be a possible book in this title from Psalm 18:33:

Having deer feet in a rabbit's foot world- God supplied traction instead of dumb luck

David's Brother

Birds Have Nests, Foxes Have Dens: Getting out of your comfort zone and changing the world for God.

Cheryl Dunn

Brad, I am honored...does that mean I came in 4th. It only shows 4 entery's. Is that all there was? Next time I will put more thought in it. I only posted that in a great hurry so there would be a post. LOL Have a great and Godly week.

Hugs, Cheryl

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