On Sunday I asked our church this question: What if we all reframed our chains? The thought came from this verse, in which the Apostle Paul says that being imprisoned was the best thing that could have happened to him.
The art of reframing is a tool that's often used in Neuro-linguistic programming. It is to reframe a problem that seems to be filled with negative ingredients by interjecting it with hope. By putting your problem in a new frame you can actually see it through a new lens, against a new backdrop, within a new context.
Reframing involves changing your question from "How did things get so bad," to "Where is the activity of God in this situation?"
What's He doing?
What's He up to?
If all you see as you look around are negative problems, I'd encourage you to reframe some things. What if God anointed your chains? What if He chose to bless your singleness? What if He has plans for your small apartment? What if He wants to use this job transition?
What if this problem might actually be the best thing that's ever happened to you?
If you're interested, you can listen to the message here, or subscribe to the podcast here.