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July 29, 2008


Patty Edwards

Yay, Brad! So glad you are not proud and prejudiced against great chic lit!! You're close in your classic predictions, but prepare to be surprised!!


I love this movie. I read most of her books in high school. She was my pick for an author for my Senior project. Happy watching....but the books are awesome!

Sarah S.

hahaha... you should totally find a film writter and director to pitch your first alternative ending to... I think it could work!! :) Believe me, there would be plenty of sequels due to the fact that Austen wrote a couple more books!! ;)

Steve Bradshaw

If that scenario happens. Call me. I'll come watch with you guys!

Tony Sebastian

I am not to familiar with the plot to give any advice for the future, and I hope to never become familiar with the plot.....


Hey, I like that movie just the way it is. Why can't you just enjoy it and not add any stereotypical macho action and killings, etc? What's wrong with a little romance and passionate feelings now and then?
On the other hand, your version does sound like a pretty good remake the whole family would enjoy! :)

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