One of my favorite tasks as a leader is launching, building, and handing off teams. It's the church planter in me!
I've started dozens of teams since starting Church of the King. Some of those teams were seasonal. They served a specific purpose for a specific amount of time and then phased out. Some of our seasonal teams have been responsible to implement strategies, plan events, oversee campaigns, or lift strategic ministries. Other teams continue to function today and serve as the lifeblood of our church.
Last night I met for the first time with a brand new team in our church. They are going to oversee all of our evangelism, outreach, and community service efforts. Together our goal is to create a missional culture at Church of the King.
My favorite aspect of team building is the process of prayerfully recruiting each team member. It was so rewarding to gather last night with some brand new, emerging leaders in our church. They were so fired up and ready to dream! And I believe deeply in each person who was in the room. This experience is going to pull the potential out of them!
We spent most of the meeting talking through team expectations. Here's what everyone has decided to commit to:
- Clear, honest, and consistent communication
- Work toward a common vision (creating a culture of outreach at COTK)
- Personal commitment to evangelism
- Relational commitment to each other
- Voluntary accountability to all team expectations
- Regular prayer for one another
- Prioritize listening (to Jesus, each other, other ministries in the church, and our community)
- Adapting to the big picture vision of our church
- Attendance at all meetings
- Personal study and growth in evangelism