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May 29, 2008


Kevin Quinones

Those are great responses. I love the bartender one. At least the last kid want to play for the right team. Orlando Magic!!!


LOL...yep, those were my kiddos last year!!! :-) Clearly I never taught them how to spell out "church". :) And I'm pretty sure that I know who wrote that last one...


Way to go Brad, I am so proud of you... I thinnk!!I don't know what you said to them but bartending and Olando Magic sounds like they are running in the other direction, LOL. I am glad I had you for a year so I could leave my mark on you. I know it was with my spirit filled teaching and in the second grad that you made your life long commitment (that is my story and I am sticking to it).

Love Ya, Cheryl


Way to go Brad, I am so proud of you... I thinnk!!I don't know what you said to them but bartending and Olando Magic sounds like they are running in the other direction, LOL. I am glad I had you for a year so I could leave my mark on you. I know it was with my spirit filled teaching and in the second grade that you made your life long commitment (that is my story and I am sticking to it).

Love Ya, Cheryl

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