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May 19, 2008


Nick Poole

Oh, it's on now Brad! Here's my prediction: Pens in 5. The Steelers won their last Super Bowl in Detroit and the Pens are going to win their next Stanley Cup in Detroit!!


Since I'm not much of a hockey fan I have to root for you or Leah here. So, my first vote is for the LOSER to have to watch all 7 hours of Pride and Prejudice and my second vote is for Leah to cream you! The first vote only works if the second one pulls through so......GO LEAH!!!


The last two comments were nearly deleted by the moderator.

Where's the love?

Go Wings!

Bob Thomas

I think that the Loser (Brad) should have to wear a Penguin jersey in a very Public setting perhaps a Sunday morning service.

If in the unlikely event that the "Old men" of the Wings pull out a victory then Leah would have to wear a tiny Red Wing pin.

Go Pens

5 games - Pens will dominate

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