I really enjoyed preaching again on Sunday. I forgot how much I love it:)
I often find myself searching for the right words to describe the honor that is mine to preach the Bible. Today our newest intern joined me for my prayer and study time and I shared with him my philosophy of preaching. I also gave him one of my favorite images. I'm not sure where I heard it first; maybe John Stott.
As a preacher I picture myself standing before people that Jesus has died for with my Bible in my left hand and a newspaper in my right. And every week Jesus gives me the opportunity to interpret life from the perspective of God's Book.
In two weeks I'm starting a new series to help our people think through a biblical response to recession. If a troubled economy is touching the lives of Detroiters, then so should the Bible. Incidentally, one of the trends that strikes me about church history is that disciples of Jesus have historically accomplished the most when they've had the least.
Silver and gold: Nada
Rise and walk: Try that instead
With the Bible in my left hand and the newspaper in my right, I hope to remind our church that instead of limiting our potential for ministry, recession may actually be able to expand it.
I also got a call today from one of my heroes with news about a possible release of resources. The conversation was a direct answer to some very recent prayer and really boosted my faith.
I'm so happy that Leah and I are back in our place of calling, ready to take it to the enemy and connect our city to Christ.
I also love to preach. That was a really cool visual image you gave.
Posted by: Jonathan French | February 13, 2008 at 06:24 PM