I checked my blog stats this morning and noticed that at some point last week this blog received visitor number 100,000. That's 100,000 reasons for me to be grateful.
When I started this blog as a personal experiment, I wasn't even sure that I'd keep it going. I was originally inspired by two friends and pastors, Mark Batterson and Chilly Chilton. I loved the way their blogs drew me into their lives and ministries.
Now there are so many things I appreciate about my blogging journey.
- New friendships
- Development of old friendships
- A place to share life and vision with leaders and friends at Church of the King
- The idea exchange with other church leaders
- A brotherhood of online church planters
- A forum through which to do the hard work of putting my thoughts into words
- The opportunity to process what God is saying to me
- Becoming a practical historian by writing spiritual autobiography for my kids and grandkids
- Creation of a digital set of footprints that reveal the grand themes of my life
I feel honored by everyone who has taken time to visit my blog, share comments, and join my journey. And I can't wait for 200,000!
Congratulations Brad!! That's almost as big as your 10,000th Day!
Posted by: Nick Poole | February 22, 2008 at 01:08 PM
Just wanted to say congrats to you and the beautiful bride. You've survived the biggest challenge of any marriage: IKEA assembly day! Blessings to you both...
Posted by: Ritt | February 22, 2008 at 02:37 PM
Congratulations Brad....I share a lot of the same reason you do in blogging.
Hope to see you hit #200,000
Posted by: Jason Curlee | February 22, 2008 at 02:42 PM
a good reason to celebrate. Thanks for being the guy to turn me on to blogging as well.
Posted by: Jeff Leake | February 22, 2008 at 03:42 PM