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« On Strike Against Busyness | Main | Lions Haiku »

November 30, 2007


Joe Coffman

Hey Brad,
Just stumbled across your blog, I enjoyed it. I too have this struggle with busyness, have had it for a loooong time. Something I have found that helps me is to spend more time with people. (sounds crazy, but it works) It forces me to slow down, pay attention, listen, etc. You can't spend time with people and be in a hurry.

congrats on the upcoming nuptials

Amy Baker

Jeremy and I were in charge of leading our S.School class this past week for our young married's group, and we loved your blogs about the "strike on busyness" so much that we made it our topic of the discussion and everyone agreed to join your church in the "strike." Personally, I'm going to get in the longest line at Wal-mart (torture) to try and slow down :) Thanks for your inspiration! love, cousin amy

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