It took me three flights, but I finally made it! I'm in the mountains of Oregon this weekend speaking at a PK (pastors kids) retreat. I'll be preaching four times while I'm here.
As a PK myself, I grew up going to similar retreats in Michigan. God definitely met me at them. I feel honored to have an opportunity to give back to a group of students who face a unique combination of opportunities and challenges. I'm praying that something will happen in their life that will cause them to mark this weekend as a spiritual milestone.
Meanwhile, the scenery out here is breathtaking. I'm looking forward to finding some trails tomorrow and taking a prayer walk down by the river...while working on my Chris Farley impersonation:)
Don't be too quick to brush off SNL, I hear they need some new material - and need it like 'yesterday'. You're funny enough and quick enough to be just one step ahead of the punchlines. Seriously, though, humor makes the messages at COTK more life-like, real and relevant. Keep it up!
Side question: Do we have any record of Jesus having a sense of humor or of him laughing. I want to tell my class yes, but I don't have anything to back it up with.
Posted by: Mike Kelliher | November 19, 2007 at 04:11 PM