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August 01, 2007



I think 1Samuel 2:19 included a sentence that was longer than the Star Spangled Banner anthem (which happens to be one sentence.) The sentence starts with 2:12 and doesn't end until 2:19. Samuel wore an ephod and wore a priestly robe. While Samuel's mom was doing everything in her control to grow Samuel up in the way he should go; Eli's sons were worried about their stomaches (as was Eli - 1Samuel 4:18)


Isn't it funny that there always seems to be the temptation (or maybe even just a natural default) in ministry to always be the mediator between people and God? We, as individuals, each have to figure out this whole mysterious, yet beautiful relationship with Jesus, and learn to hear His voice, but sometimes I think we're afraid (or perhaps don't know how) to challenge those we minister to, to go and do the same. It's such a challenge, but I believe it's one of the most vital functions of ministry: not only to communicate the heart of God, but to challenge others to find His heart themselves.

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