I've been catching up this week on the National New Church conference via podcast. I loved Wayne Cordeiro's talk from the first plenary session. I was at the gym when I listened to it and actually cut my workout short when it ended. I felt like moving to the desert for one year with nothing but my Bible. It was an inspirational challenge to value Scripture.
For someone like me who loves to grab the latest and greatest as soon as it comes off the press, I needed a good reminder that the greatest collection of wisdom from the ages is at my fingertips everyday.
Wayne shared his personal Bible study method. Everyday he gets alone with Jesus, his Bible and his journal. He writes one journal entry each day, following the acrostic SOAP.
Scripture: He writes down the references he read that day.
Observation: He writes down one or two things the Holy Spirit seems to be emphasizing for him.
Application: He writes down one practical way his life should change.
Prayer: He captures his thoughts through a written prayer.
I've been experimenting with SOAP this week. Gotta admit, I'm feeling pretty clean:) It seems to be an effective strategy for listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit and prioritizing obedience. And I love the simplicity of it. It's definitely sparked some fresh energy into my devotional life this week.
I challenge you to share your SOAP in your blog. I think your brand might clean everyone up!
Posted by: Cynthia | June 22, 2007 at 04:37 PM
Brad...Great blog...Ilove the SOAP
idea for personal Bible Study. I have tried to do it from time to time but that application gives it a little more meaning. Thanks again for being a great adopted grand son.
Gram Clay
Posted by: Audrey Clay | June 22, 2007 at 09:53 PM
Wow, what a great way to get rid of moral filth! Thx 4 sharing!
Posted by: jr | June 23, 2007 at 10:22 PM
I like that a lot......
Posted by: Tony Sebastian | June 24, 2007 at 03:32 PM