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June 28, 2007



Dude, I think it's wonderful that you're developing a vast network of friendships with other church planters, but as a former COTK attender, please do not forsake YOUR flock. Just a word of advice. Peace out!


Hey JR,

Congrats on finishing basic training. We miss you around here:)

I feel like trips like this one make me a better pastor. They increase my vision and energy for ministry. And the investment in these friendships returns amazing dividends to me personally as well as the church. It also gives me an opportunity to use my experiences to help others.

These trips also help me practice "out of the office discipleship" by spending some concentrated time with our leaders. This time several of us were able to go together, and I think everyone came back fired up!

Kate Griffin

Hey Brad!
Your session was amazing! It was so cool to hear you share the story of what God has done in & through you & COTK. Great things are ahead! Chris & I will look forward to hanging out with you when you're back in Pittsburgh again soon. Have a great weekend!


Thanks for letting me get goofy with the Siths in Heinz Field.

Your session was right on.

Great week.

Paul Stewart

Brad, Just read through your notes on Nick Poole's blog. Your last comment about how "we have to be willing to choose our city over our career" just keeps ringing in my ears. Really good stuff!

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