Had a great time Tuesday and Wednesday in Pittsburgh for Allison Park Church's 3rd annual young pastor's roundtable. I think registration almost doubled this year. I've really developed some great friendships with other church planters as this network of relationships has developed.
I really enjoyed making the trip with about ten leaders from our network. It's not everyday you get to watch Sith's invade Heinz Field from the Duquesne Incline in Pittsburgh (had to be there).
Nick Poole blogged some great notes from the teaching sessions. Good stuff once again from Jeff Leake, Johannes Amritzer and Ron Johnson. This year was special for me since they even gave me a session of my own. I shared some of the theology that has shaped our vision for leading transformation in Metro Detroit. You can read Nick's notes from the sessions here.
Jeff also shared our developing vision for creating a relational network of multi-church movements. A multi-church movement is a network of churches that are planting churches. Our dream is to create a multi-church movement in Metro Detroit. I've been privileged the past twelve months to dream with Jeff about the potential of linking with other multi-church movements around the country. It was great this week to go public with a sketch of the dream.