Every May in our church we set aside one weekend to clear our calendars and prioritize God's Presence. It's always one of the highlights of the year for me. Hard to believe Weekend with God 2007 is already here!
I'm really pumped for the kickoff tomorrow night. Sam Farina, one of my mentors, will be speaking in all of the services. Check him out! Sam actually taught me to preach!
If you're reading this blog then consider yourself invited. We'd love to have you! Click here if you need directions.
Here's a recap of the schedule:
Friday Night @ 7.00 pm
Saturday Night @ 6.00 pm
Sunday Morning @ 9.00 and 11.00 am
Sunday Night @ 6.00 pm
I've always believed that our moments in God's Presence make possible our influence in this city. If Metro Detroit is your mission field then join us for some revisioning!