Had a great time this past weekend with our church at Weekend with God. Sunday night was probably the highlight for me. Sam taught us through the principle of turning vision into expectation by writing dreams down.
As people arrived we gave them a half-sheet of paper and an envelope. At the start of his message, Sam had everyone write their home address on the envelope. Instead of taking notes during the teaching we all wrote down specific things we were expecting God to do in our lives over the next twelve months.
At the end of the service we sealed the envelopes and laid them on the altar. In twelve months we'll mail them back to everyone.
Yesterday we prayed over all the envelopes at our staff meeting. It was one of those moments that makes me so grateful God called me to pastor. I felt so fulfilled knowing that our people were dreaming for the impossible and expecting God to come through. So cool to cast a positive picture over the future. And I felt absolute anticipation for the wins that people will experience throughout the next year.
Then yesterday I met with Raina. She turned in her envelope Sunday night and drove home to discover that God had already answered the number one expectation she had written on her list. In less than twenty four hours!
Take that Jack Bauer:)
I personally wrote down some things that freak me out when I think about them. Must have been crazy when I wrote them down. Or filled with faith. Or a little of both:) Fortunately one of my friends emailed me this morning to let me know that Jesus inspired her to pray courage over me yesterday.
It takes courage to dream. It takes even more guts to write those dreams down and put the weight of expectation behind them. But is there a better way to live?
man, i tried really hard to get over to Church of the King this past weekend. I really wanted in on some of this and I wanted to see Sam Farina.
Fortunately, ministry and not something selfish or lame, got in the way. I would love any "stuff" that was shared (in whatever form).
Empowered to dream beyond my brain!
~ Chilly
- thanks for sharing about my blog too...
Posted by: Chilly | May 22, 2007 at 04:11 PM
I hear that! The last paragraph of your blog is really challenging. I am experiencing the effects of dreaming... your right, it TRULY is a better way to live :) Thanks for the challenge
Posted by: Andrea Gideon | May 23, 2007 at 04:10 PM