I'm feeling old! This coming Sunday our first daughter church turns one. The Oaks will be celebrating one full year of ministry in downtown Royal Oak.
I'm so proud of Chris, Nicki and the leadership team. Church planting is the extreme sport of ministry. It's not for the faint of heart. But these guys have embraced the challenge and poured themselves into the dream to bring transformation to one of the more obvious mission fields in Metro Detroit.
When I turned one my parents bought me a cake. But everyone who gathered to celebrate my first birthday was disappointed because I wouldn't touch it. I hated getting my hands dirty:)
Not The Oaks. This past year they've learned that ministry is messy. The people they've reached are people our church hadn't touched. Many of them have come out of difficult backgrounds. Many of them are still seeking. But our pioneers have accepted them, embraced them, and pursued them with God's love.
To all of our Royal Oak radicals: I appreciate the risk you took to try something new. I'm proud of all that Jesus has done through you. You're making a difference. You'll keep making a difference. So don't stop dreaming. Keep your imaginations active. And believe that year number two will be historic!
congrats brad & the oaks...keep pursuing Christ and loving people!
Posted by: rick | April 11, 2007 at 04:33 PM
Wow! How awesome and exciting! P. Brad, you are doing the Lord's will for you and have made it happen. The Oaks inhabits people of great desire for Christ and being His "Jonah's". Happy day to all!!!! Safe journey, P. Brad and God's Speed to you all! Cheryl
Posted by: Cheryl Floyd | April 11, 2007 at 04:40 PM
Brad, I've been following your blog for a while now. My cousin was at my house this week and he lives in MI somewhere near Detroit. I'm not sure exactly where. I know my aunt lives in Newport and he lives about 20 minutes from here, but I'm not sure in what direction.
My cousin has lived a rough life. And his words were we pray together as a family, but we haven't found a church that is us. Now, he is a long-haired, tatoo wearing 52-year-old Harley Davidson riding kinda guy who has four children under 10. Could you give me an idea of some churches I might mention to him when he comes back through this week that would accept him and his family as they are that are in the Newport or surrounding area? I wish I had his address, but don't. But would like to have so me options for him when we get the chance to talk again.
My mom just told him he was going to hell if he didn't go to church "thanks mom, way to provide relational evangelism." I really want to go a step farther to show him I do care.
Tina in Asheville
Posted by: Tina Harkey | April 11, 2007 at 05:13 PM