This year our church has set aside the last full week of every month to anticipate some WOW moments from Jesus. This week is our second Week of War. We're praying. We're fasting. And we're asking God to use us in our mission field.
Sometimes people are curious how you go about starting a church when you're 22. Asking alot of questions helps. So does surrounding yourself with patient people:) But I really believe fasting sped up the timeline of ministry in my life.
I did my first 40 day fast during college. It's been a regular part of my life ever since. Incidentally, I wouldn't recommend a 40 day fast unless it's inspired by Jesus and you've done your homework. If that's the case it could be a life-altering experience for you.
I've come to learn that fasting isn't a spiritual power play. It's not a hunger strike against heaven. It's not about getting things we want. Fasting positions us to get what God wants. Fasting that's motivated by pride disappoints. But fasting that produces humility breaks chains and opens doors.
I just think there's something healthy about relying on Jesus for strength rather than meat and vegetables.
Oh, and one more thing. Be prepared when you watch 24 on Monday nights for all the commercials for Boston Market, Arbys, Pizza Hut, Applebees...
Well, you get the picture:)