Once a quarter I teach COTK 101. This class is one of the primary steps we offer to move people into a membership commitment at our church. I cover alot of ground in three hours to give people a solid introduction to who we are.
I always take time toward the beginning of the class to share our church's story. It's definitely my favorite part. I've probably told it a hundred times but it still re-energized me again this morning.
I think regularly reviewing an organization's story is one of the most useful tools a leader can use to communicate. History teaches us. It teaches us where to look to find the land mines and the gold mines. History also unites us with people from other places and generations. We realize that God has been working on our dreams alot longer than we have.
Most of all, history inspires us. I don't review our story so that we'll create restrictive ties to the past. I review it so we'll have the correct context for our dreams. After all, it's our victories and failures from yesterday that provide the platform from which we lean into tomorrow.
I can't wait to tell our story to an incoming group of members in the first quarter of 2011.
I wonder what will have changed?