It turned out to be a nice coincidence that my Bible reading plan brought me to John 4 on MLK day. It seems to me that Jesus made it a point to drink from the wrong well:)
The gospel has always had a context. Jesus had a unique message for Samaritan villages. My context happens to be one of the most segregated cities in America. So I'm convinced that a genuine expression of Jesus in Metro Detroit has to build bridges across racial and social divides.
I'm struck by the assumption the Samaritan woman made about the nature of worship. In her mind worship was something that divides people. Samaritans have one mountain and the Jews have another. But Jesus had a different perspecitve on worship. Worship doesn't highlight our differences. It emphasizes our common love for Him.
Seems to me that Jesus would smile if our weekend worship services were less segregated and more like this!
Be blended:)