I've spent the last few days in Traverse City with our team at an annual minister's conference we attend. I think this was our fourth year being here together. Nothing like getting away for a few days to worship and learn together.
Dr. George Wood was the speaker. He taught four sessions outlining several leadership principles from Paul's three missionary journeys. I was in heaven:) Acts 13 - 19 is my favorite stretch of chapters in the Bible. I love Paul's church planting drive.
Dr. Wood made some refreshing observations about Barnabas. For starters, when all heaven broke loose in Antioch, the Jerusalem delegation sent Barnabas to check it out. Good decision:) His primary leadership gifting was encouragement. So naturally Barnabas started encouraging the Antioch pioneers. Keep it up. Your work here is covered with the grace of God.
But it didn't take Barnabas long to discern the new church's real need. Hundreds of people had been converted but there was no teaching strategy. So Barnabas remembered a gifted Rabbi turned disciple he had stood up for a few years back. And he recruited Paul to join the Antioch leadership team. The result was one solid year of teaching that ended with people from the city tagging the church with the title Christian.
Before Paul the Antioch new converts were encouraged (Acts 11.23).
With Paul they were taught (Acts 11.26).
I wonder if Barnabas realized that his primary leadership gifting (exhortation) didn't match the primary need at Antioch (teaching). Think about the humility it took for him to admit his need for help and invite a larger than life Paul to assume leadership in the fastest growing church around. It would be on par with a mega-church leader today realizing his primary leadership giftings are better suited for a support role, then inviting another leader in to take the leadership reigns of the church while he stayed on as a staff member.
An interesting shift took place. In Antioch "Barnabas and Paul" are identified in that order. But after Antioch the order switches to either "Paul and Barnabas" or "Paul and his company." It seems to me that Barnabas elevated Jesus and His Church above his ego.
The church advanced.
And isn't that what we're after anyway?