...and vote!
Here's my three cents:)
Identify the issues that most impact your faith and research each candidates stance on those issues. Some of the issues that mean alot to me are protection of the unborn, care for the poor, and the definition of marriage.
Pray over your choices. If the Bible teaches us anything about government, it is that God is ultimately responsible for who winds up in leadership positions. It makes sense to ask Him who to vote for.
Stay focused. If you find yourself speaking more passionately about a political issue than you've recently spoken about Jesus, then pause and re-evaluate what matters most. When the polls close and the composition of Congress is set, we will still have only one mission that matters...
Making Jesus famous.
Be careful of emotionally charged political conversations that might redirect your passion away from Him.
A Judge has the ability to change laws. We need to prayerfully select them.
But only Jesus can change hearts. We need to passionately exalt Him.