Secret sin is so subtle.
I spent some time this morning meditating on David's sin story in 2 Samuel 11 and 12. Ouch. Sin hurts. But first, sin lurks. Then, like a lion quietly waiting to pounce, it sinks its teeth into the human spirit. The degeneration to follow is so subtle.
S is for the Slippery Slope. David's story started with a glance. That was it. One innocent look. Then a line is crossed in his mind. There was no going back. So a line was crossed with his body. Now there was really no going back. So David engraved his sin with the blood of an unusually loyal soldier. I doubt he saw that one coming.
U is for Uriah Deserving Better. Perhaps this is sin's unique effect on leaders. Self-preservation led David to take advantage of the man who was fighting for him. Uriah the servant-hero deserved to know that his king had his back. Instead his leader was plotting behind it.
B is for the Blown Battle. Joab made a tactical error ar Rabbah that ended with the death of David's men. But David didn't care because he was so relieved that Uriah was dead. Secret sin redirected David's passion into a misguided fight for personal survival rather than his kingdom-oriented fight to conquer the enemy.
T is for Truth Going Underground. David spent the next several months living alie. Nathan tried the indirect approach but not even his parallel story awakened the truth in David's soul. It took the direct approach. It took a finger to his face. It seems to me that honesty, transparency, and authenticity are all casualties of secret sin.
L is for the Look on God's Face. This one hurts. This one really hurts. Read the last verse of chapter 11. God wasn't mad at David. There wasn't a scowl on His face. There was a frown. God was displeased. He felt the kind of disappointment that a father feels who has given everything to his son and would have given more (12.8).
E is for Eventual Exposure. What's done in secret will be broadcast by daylight (12.12). Time has a way of accomplishing this. Either we will expose the truth to the light ourselves or life and time will do the job for us.
Then there's 2 Samuel 12.24. I'm glad the Holy Spirit included this verse. If any of the above thoughts hit a little close to home, read this verse.
S-O-L-O-M-O-N is for God's Grace. Not only was David's legacy extended, but even his relationship with Bathsheeba was redeemed. God's grace overshadows all the subtleties of sin.
Second Chances.
Don't be afraid of honest assesment. And take courage to start again.