I'm really enjoying my Wednesday night Life Group. If you're a part of COTK and still looking for a Life Group, you should join us on site in the cafe next Wednesday night. We're studying the Book of James. Last night we came across a verse that took my breath away.
The Holy Spirit, whom God has placed within us, jealously longs for us to be faithful (James 4.5).
Jealousy is a pure emotion for God. He is the only person in the universe with the moral right to be jealous. Because He stands alone, He deserves our total allegiance.
Did you know the Holy Spirit feels jealousy for you? When you woke up this morning the Holy Spirit's heart skipped a beat. He desired your attention, longing for you to think of Him. He desired your affection, longing for you to feel toward Him. He desired your devotion, longing for you to listen to Him.
The Holy Spirit is thinking of you right now. He wants you all to Himself. He wants your whole heart. He wants your whole mind. He wants your whole day. Like a husband values faithfulness in a wife, the Holy Spirit values faithfulness in you.
Have you heard His voice yet today? He is talking.
Quiet down a minute. Go ahead. Try it right now. I'm serious. Listen close. Can you hear Him?
Great word, Brad!
Posted by: Joel VanBriggle | August 30, 2006 at 05:20 PM