I really enjoyed teaching on Father's Day this year. I've felt an urgency for a few weeks now to challenge men in our church. So on Sunday I dressed up in fatigues, painted my face, and challenged men to take hold of God's Kingdom forcefully.
You can read Warriors Wanted here.
I really think that men are wired for challenge. Without it we get distracted. Without it we get bored. Without it we stop living for eternity and start settling into the temporary. When we ask nothing great of each other, nothing great is what we usually give.
We spread out camouflage bandanas across the front of the church. At the end of my teaching I had all the men grab a bandana and join me at the front of the stage. I blessed them to be warriors. I blessed them to fight for their marriages, their friends, their futures and their kids.
Let's get ready to rumble!
Posted by: jr | June 22, 2006 at 08:07 AM