The weather will cause the Beulah Beach youth camp to live on in my memory.
After our first service Monday night was cut short by fierce winds and rain that blew in off Lake Erie, Tuesday night was nice and clear.
Wednesday night was even crazier than Monday night.
We got a tornoado warning just before the service started. Tony called all the leaders together about five minutes before the music was set to start. The teenagers didn't know what was coming, but he wanted to put a contingency plan in place to make sure that if the storm hit we'd have all the audio/visual equipment taken care of.
This time I made it through my whole message, but as the worship team came to the front and I transitioned into the beginning of the response time another storm hit. Lightning and thunder proceeded to fill the sky for the next 7 hours. The tent started shaking again and it began to pour. We had to move all the teenagers over to the cafeteria while trying to keep a timely moment of ministry going. I've got to give it to those teenagers. They stayed focused on what the Holy Spirit wanted to do.
It was great to be back with our church this morning, although I must admit that it seemed a little boring without hurricane winds and torrential downpours interrupting the service:)