This Sunday I'll begin a new teaching series I'm calling The Tribes of Christ. God has always had a people. The Old Testament is the story of His covenant with twelve tribes called Israel. The New Testament introduces a new covenant, inaugurated by the birth of Christ and the subsequent birth of Christ's Church. Now God has thousands of tribes in every Continent, country and zip code.
God started with twelve tribes. They were His people. He chose them and challenged them to be a holy nation. Now, with as much care and involvement as ever, He is building His Church. We are His people. He chooses us and challenges us to be a holy nation. We are the tribes of Christ (1 Peter 2.9).
What is the nature of The Church? Why are there so many local churches? What is the purpose of starting even more? Why should churches grow? How do churches grow? Where do I fit in The Church?
My goal is to shed some Bible light on these questions.
So many people that I meet are longing for something great to give their lives to. I believe The Church is the mission they're designed to advance. I hope that this series will help explain what God is doing in the world and how one local tribe in Metro Detroit fits into His plan.
Bill Hybels says the local church is the hope of the world. I tend to agree.
All tribes unite!
If all tribes could unite it would be a better world!!
Posted by: Church Financing | February 11, 2011 at 06:09 PM