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April 20, 2006



Americans are fat and sassy. Spoiled. Our poorest are 10 ten times more wealthy than the third world nations. Let Mary Blige take a walk through the streets of Calcutta, India or stroll through the alleys of Kigali, Rwanda. Maybe we can consider trading in the SUV and give a portion to the AIDS epidemic, poverty, and health care. We then might change the world's perspective on the U.S. and then they might listen to our message.


The Lord works in mysterious shizzle!

I really like that, "SUPERnatural resources" :)


How sad. Let's not wait to till heaven to get our treasures. As one prosperity preacher said, "I don't to wait till heaven to eat my pie in the sky, I want it down here on earth!"

Yet another result of late-night infomercials and rampant materialism in America. I agree with Michael. Take that wealth and sell it, give to the poor of the world and show them the love of Jesus. Hey, I blogged on this today!

I'm not against having things. I enjoy my TV and my XBox, but we must make sure things don't have a hold on us.


She did rightly speak:

"the god I SERVE..."

truly the "god" she serves does want her to act that way. The One I serve wants me to deny myself, take up my cross, and follow Him.

Guess it all comes down to semantics :)

BTW- nice blog Pastor Brad

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