On Sunday I had The Talk with our church. I believe that parents need to begin appropriately teaching their kids about sex as soon as their old enough to read the word. If a parent doesn't do the teaching, someone else will. Do you want a network executive whose only concern is ratings designing that teaching for your child in a boardroom?
Of course, what do I know about parenting!
As a pastor, I believe that we have to have initiate biblical discussions about sexuality. Various surveys say that the average American man thinks about sex once every 30 minutes. I have a conviction. If men are going to think about it, I'm going to talk about it.
I've really been encouraged by the response of our people to the teaching, not only on Sunday morning, but through email messages and conversations I've had since. If we don't talk honestly about temptation as the body of Christ, especially as leaders, then we add to hell's lie that sexual temptation needs to be clouded in secrecy. The secrecy is why shame grows, and the shame of sexual sin grows into a noose that becomes difficult to unravel. We've got to uncover secrets by bringing the conversation into the light.
My teaching is online. If you want to read Shame Free Sex, click here. If you'd rather listen to the audio file, go here.