I really enjoyed writing and teaching part 2 of the Conversations with Jesus series on Sunday. As a church, we have five values that are foundational to our vision. One of them is racial reconciliation. I dream of experiencinig a diversity miracle in Metro Detroit. I just believe that a blended church is a better church. That's why I loved this message so much. Jesus had a revolutionary approach to prejudice. He didn't tolerate it.
Click here to read The Colors of Heaven.
If you'd like to listen to the teaching, go here.
At the end of the service we voiced a prayer of confession together as a church community. Here's the prayer:
God, please show us how we have intentionally or un-intentionally failed to love like Jesus. Forgive us for being self-centered. Forgive us for labeling or judging people we don’t know; people you died for. Forgive us for pushing aside people who are different.
God, our desire is to be like Jesus. It is to embrace rather than refrain. It is to invite rather than to push out. Give us relationships with people who are different than us. Fill us with love toward every kind of person in our city. Help us to build a church that looks like heaven.