I've got to tell you about my new friend David. He's a walking miracle. 3 weeks ago he came to my office with a dream to start a new church in Metro Detroit targeting West African immigrants. 3 months ago he was living in his home village in Ghana, West Africa, where he has served in full time ministry the last several years. Then God called him to start a new church for West African immigrants in Metro Detroit, a place he had only visited once. I know that sounds too simple, but for David, it is that simple. As he likes to say, "When the Master gives me marching orders, I have no choice but to obey." He also says, "If I do not do what He tells me to do, I feel awful. But if I obey Him I am free."
So David left his wife and 5 childen to move to Metro Detroit. They will join him as soon as his visa is secured.
I felt God prompting us to open our building for them to begin holding services. I ran it by some of our leadership teams and they agreed. They will have their grand opening February 26. I'm amazed to think that even as we were planning to launch our first church plant in the next few months, God was planning for us to launch two at once.
David has no money. He is living by faith. I call him my walking illustration of Abraham, leaving his home with nothing to go on except the voice of God. So he prays. He prays hours a day. And God answers them.
Yesterday our insurance agent came out to the church to set David up with insurance so his new church would be covered by meeting in our building. His policy consists of quarterly payments, with the first payment due immediately. So for perhaps the first time in history, the insurance agent offered to pay 100% of David's first payment, and about 75% of the second. How many times does your insurance agent offer to pay your policy? I told David to take out some more policies!
Last night God gave David a dream. In his dream he saw a woman he didn't recognize. She was in a panic. When he asked her what her name was, she said "Fish."
This afternoon I was asked to speak at a gathering of ministers in our area, so I asked David if he wanted to come with me. There was a prayer time before I spoke, and the first request that was presented was for a pastor in our area named Bob Fish who was recently in a serious snow mobile accident that resulted in severe injuries, and for his wife to be filled with peace.
David's biggest need right now has been to get his visa secured. Yesterday he told me that he needed $2,400.00 to pay the legal fees, and half of that to pay up front as a retainer to get the process started. We prayed. Today at the ministers meeting, God spoke to one of the pastors who was there and all $1,250.00 for the retainer has come in. As for the last $1,250.00, I can't wait to see how it comes in.
The 40 minute drive back from the meeting was a faith building trip. David was cracking me up. He just kept saying one word over and over.
I love this guy.